Wednesday, 23 May 2012

How Money Dies

"We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee the purchasing power."

So said former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, 1 minute 50 seconds into this video.

Give this a moment's thought, and you'll realise he is talking about inflation, or even hyper-inflation.  What have we had for the last goodness knows how long?  Inflation.

Here's an example.  Over the weekend my wife and I replaced a rose that had died.  At the base of the old rose was it's name tag, with a price of £3.30.  The cost of the replacement?  £16.00.  The difference in time? About 20 years.

The video talks mainly about the US Dollar, but it applies to the Pound Sterling, Euro, and all other debt based fiat currencies.