Wednesday 10 June 2015

Trading sideways

To a trader on the Zorro ( platform:

Hi Sundance

I've noted your pessimism and have held off with my penny-worth.  However, if its any comfort, I also confirm that my account, which went live after some paper trading with Z12, has just been treading water since late April.

I expect the reasons are un-knowable, but of course all traders must endure draw-down.  The test of them, though, is whether they stay the course, and have bomb-proof faith in what they're doing.

My reading around the topic shows how many really successful traders have endured heavy draw-downs, but survived with good cash and risk management.

The markets are currently all in thrall to what central bankers around the world may or may not do, and that isn't helping.  But with Z12 retraining regularly, that should ameliorate the issue.  I firmly believe that Z12 will spring back into life over the next 6 to 12 months.  I say this because my studies surrounding markets led me to this by Martin Armstrong (  I think the markets are simply going sideways currently.  I'm expecting a return to action during or after the Autumn.

I'm considering bringing Z3 on-line also.  I understand it is not correlated with Z12, and may therefore smooth things out a little.  However, with the bozos in control at the central banks, it may not, as all markets may be currently be in a deathly synchronicity, with cash being the only counter-trend bet!